
目前顯示的是 2月, 2010的文章


自從考了車以後,每當朋友問我有關學車的問題,三句不到,我便把學車的黑仔經過述說一篇,然後反覆強調,可以的話,不要找李健為妙.原因很簡單,教你的那個教車師傅,對於一個完全不懂車和沒有學車概念的人是很重要的.不幸地,我前後換了三個師傅,是,三個。 第一個,我叫他阿懵,一個好人但實在太懵的好人。我有好幾回約了他時間學車,心怕這位師傅忘了一個星期前的學車時間,在前一天晚上再致電確認,誰不知,這個師傅可以在五分鐘前打電話給我,說和別人撞了時間,三個鐘半小後再來;又或者,在一個愉快的晚上,當你和朋友約食飯的時候,他會致電給你說今晚約了學車,囑咐我要‵記住’..這位師傅屢次挑戰我的記性和容忍程度...但老實說,我在付錢學車,不是付錢收飛機和surprisesss... 第二個,我叫他頹,頹者,學兩堂一共個半小時的車停車四五次,不是在廟等就是去廁所或者停在路邊,每次五至十分鐘...其實要偷鐘也不用這樣跨張...有一回我駕車由九龍塘去葵涌試場,在高速公路行,被阿頹罵,開得太快又不穩,算啦,我想肯定不是快只是他年紀老,感受不到快和慢而已....回程由葵涌回九龍塘,又罵,開得太慢,就這樣,我發了脾氣...我考試前的三天,他跟我說有要事返大陸,要找人代..我沒有忘記,那天是晚上十一時多了...  第三個..唉..我對李健的師傅已經沒有太大期望,不過算是三個裏相對OK的一個,如果偷鐘不要太誇張和考入試場前迫我封一個紅封包給他會更好....我沒有忘記,那天是農曆年廿九,連同年廿八兩天,這位師傅有六位學生考試,我是最後一個,之前那五個都不及格,有的還考了兩次,如此說來,不知是那五個考生不濟,還是我天資和後天努力補救,可以及格,要感謝主. 當然,向李健投訴沒有用,試過打電話申訴一下也是徒然,只是概歎自己不濟,錢和時間出了,氣和霉也都受了...其實教車師傅這個行頭太狹而又老化得太勵害是一個事實,沒有新人入行,以致教你的人也麻木和失去了passion.聽他們說,政府己有許多年沒有發師傅牌,最近才發一次,對上已是十數年前的事.... 如果可以,我當然不希望換三個師傅,前後三個的教法有頗大的分別,每換一個也要適應,麻煩致極,積極一點看,希望這是集各家大成@.@

Goodbye, Uncle Sam

It is a sad day, in the forth day of Chinese New Year. I logged-on MSN and chatted with my ex-colleague, my ex-boss indeed, as I didn't meet him for two years after I leaving Tradex. We chatted a lot and shared the recent for a while, upset me is that,he told me Uncle Sam passyed away last year because of Stroke...My impression of Uncle Sam still in my mind is that, he is a kind and shy man. Seldom speak but a careful mind. He taught me a lot for the knowledge of shipping and logistic and also some of the knowledge about tabacco. Sam got married in his middle age around 40 somethings.After getting marry with a young lady from Mainland China, I guessed his plan must have a baby. Sam long for a child as he is the only son of his elder mother. His wife gave birth their first and only children in year 2007, I believe he did very much care of the child as happy showing on his face without say. I got this news after a year....couldn't say goodbye to him on his funeral. I will mis