
目前顯示的是 10月, 2008的文章

Busy of this week

Friends always have such feeling that , working in a pubic organization should be very free and not much work load. I can chill out in the office most of the time. Yes, some of my colleagues really "free" at the office, but I am not. Dealing with dozen of cases recently making me weary and fustrated. I thank you Lord, at least, economics down turn is coming, working in public organization is more safe. So, whenever I feel frustrated at work, I will ask myself to "get the job done" @.@

Furious about my big day....

時光荏苒,想到自己還活著--尚算健康地活著,縱然MPF和基金被海嘯淹了一半,但能豐豐足足地過今天,算是奇蹟,感謝上帝. 同事們安排了的celebration lunch到中大buffet,原本是自己team六七人"食餐飯",最後召集了足足十九人,有點受寵若驚@.@. 不過有點特別的是,竟然有兩位同事送禮物...嘩,都不知多小過春秋,和工作的同事以"伙伴"形式各自"搵餐飯食", 喜慶飯局例牌參加參加,但要花多一點心思約食飯送禮物,卻屬朋友們而不是同事們,誰知一早回到office呢,一份簡單的小禮物, 午飯前再收到一隻好cute的杯外, our tea lady在我離開位後片刻放了一個"紅封包". 那一刻心想 "死,一份涉及$$的禮物......但這是長輩們的習俗,退是退不了的,日後只可更小心--不可以得罪阿姐@.@". 下班乘車的途中,感到慚愧,因為我沒有向同事們說收到一個紅封包,像怕在公司裏深交一點而引起的"是非",可能自己在職場混沌了若干年日,但凡涉及飯碗與利益的群體,包括上司和同事也會以"君子之交"相待,卻不曾想到,其實tea lady根本不用討好我這個small potato (如果你知道她最大那份糧是在倫敦工作的女兒每月匯給她的英磅更會明白,她其實"唔休做") 自己對這些好意竟然敏感得過份,卻沒有想過,自己生辰收到紅封包是year 1 /2 時媽媽給的,已是n 年前了,我仿佛已忘了收紅封包的感覺,驟然而來的一份傷感與喜悅同時出現,是的,人間有情.特別當今年在幾個同輩朋友間出現了一連串不幸的事,小不免懷疑自己待人處事是否真的如此不濟,也學懂了調校對別人的期望,最好降至和恒生指數一樣:低處可再低,上帝卻幽了我一默,一個在你生命第三四圍的人,卻可以讓你知道情還在, life is full of surprise. 晚上, 我那個很“頂癮”的哥哥送給了我一個生日的”祝福”, 我想他做公務員而不做楝篤笑是 一種"資源錯配”. 當天,一位朋友打來查詢做白事的花籃事宜,我是基督徒,雖則百無禁忌,但,我懷疑這個電話查詢是挑戰我的禁忌底線….@.@.

The Voice of Joy from Switzerland

Thank you for Lavender's invitation for a wonderful music concert in HKU on Monday night. I seldom listen Jazz before, as no body introduced Jazz to me. "Kolsimcha has been established for twenty years.....this incredible ensemble pairs a front line of clarinet and flute with a super tight rhythm section of acoustic bass, drums and piano to create a groundbreaking mix of thrilling jazz improvisations, dazzling symphonic sounds and exotic Mediterranean melodies alternating with poignant ballads and sensuous Eastern European rhythms. " I agree, the music is incredible.This is a way to refresh life from boring work, and , let us have a real breath. Glad to have the lovely souvenior from the concert, both the concert and the souvenior are free! Thanks to Lavender and a little gift from God to comfort my tidious life @.@.