
目前顯示的是 8月, 2008的文章

knotty problems

there are few kind of sad things around me recently, of course, between right and wrong, correct and incorrect, appropriate and inapproriate, good or bad...between true and fact and rumor and misunderstand. Our life is such that complicated but at first is a simple being, just like a baby or a child. Simply love who love you; forgive who are not willing to forgive you; care who have not being cared by others; trust beyound we experienced and unseen thing. When friends despise you without logic and reason, then find some friends who love and understand you rather. not going to count how many knotty problems around, rather, count the blessings and grace day by day^^ with Give Thanks.


看了Daisy在信報的專欄整整一年,起初看這個專欄,是因為在 信報這樣一份powerful的報紙副刊,竟然有一位三十歲未到 的女性寫,在這樣一份男性,而且是"後生一點都睇唔明"的報紙容 下一位年輕女律師的聲音,果然是信報. 說實在,喜歡這個專欄不是因為她串,"串"人於我而言不是難事, 而"串"得有智慧和幽默,就要以時間和閱歷修練修練,所以,我視 這個專欄的串位雖然好笑,卻不足以叫我每星期都去"追"看, 反而是一份共鳴--對政治,對祖國,對職場,對港女,對生活.. .的共鳴. 許多時候,我發覺共鳴的聲音比笑聲串聲更難找到,特別是生活在一 個對人對事也比較"粗糙"的香港,肯言肯行肯做的人小得可憐,所 以,蘭開夏道的生活緃然不是人人有,至少也用自己的stand point去面對繁悶的世界.


今天晚上去了Poly U看一套舞台劇,"死佬日記", 看是因為朋友的邀請, 抱著一看無妨的心態,但其實內容說什麼就不太清楚,因為我以為都是一個"故事"的舞台劇,看了整份場刊,也找不到故事....原來歐錦棠一個人個半多小時的"獨腳戲" 把男人的心事和心態和心理以攪笑又很真實的方式,把全場九成九的觀眾引笑不斷--好厲害. 男性從來易給人有沉悶的感覺,如果以男人作為題材,也離不開"無間道","赤壁"一類陽剛味重的電影,看了這套舞台劇,我才發覺原來男人的題材都可以有趣而有另opposite sex有thinking的地方 :) 很好笑的舞台劇,可惜明天最後一場,如有重演,值得一看. http://www.caveman.com.hk/

Ritz Carltron

Wow....I visited Guangzhou on 9 & 10 Aug and stayed in Ritz Carltron, which my sister got a very special offer of USD50 for staff to stay in this real 5-star hotel.