Goodbye, Uncle Sam

It is a sad day, in the forth day of Chinese New Year.

I logged-on MSN and chatted with my ex-colleague, my ex-boss indeed, as I didn't meet him for two years after I leaving Tradex.

We chatted a lot and shared the recent for a while, upset me is that,he told me Uncle Sam passyed away last year because of Stroke...My impression of Uncle Sam still in my mind is that, he is a kind and shy man. Seldom speak but a careful mind. He taught me a lot for the knowledge of shipping and logistic and also some of the knowledge about tabacco.

Sam got married in his middle age around 40 somethings.After getting marry with a young lady from Mainland China, I guessed his plan must have a baby. Sam long for a child as he is the only son of his elder mother. His wife gave birth their first and only children in year 2007, I believe he did very much care of the child as happy showing on his face without say.

I got this news after a year....couldn't say goodbye to him on his funeral. I will miss him. Wish that God care his little child and wife.





"彭博,你Out 了"