Colourful week

Eventually, I could drop some "memories" of mine in last two weeks in here.

My colleague drived us to 大埔舊墟 to have lunch in a steak house last Monday, how delicious was the steak as well as the 不是紅豆冰, it only costed $65 for a lunch. I have no doubt to recommand the 不是紅豆冰 to friends (the steak is delicious as well) if they love drinking 紅豆冰. But the booking is very full there, we had to book a week in advance for lunch. I gussed dinner will be much more full.

Wednesday, attended a seminar presented by ex-police comminsoner, Dick Li in CU campus. I learnt a lot from his sharing. He was a history graduate in A student asked him why people need to study history? Then he quoted a say from Wilson Churchill that"history is to reinforce your future" ...Then I was rush to Shatin to have dinner with two friends. Originally, it was a celebration. But since sad things happenend on my friend suddenly, so, we just treated it as a dinner for sharing.

I think, life is somehow being painted by different color. Sometimes red, sometimes black and sometimes gray and when one mix it up, life is like rainbow.

Thursday, really bad mood at work. I coudn't bear the bureauratic culture in here. Stupid guys around me including my boss and big boss. I wonder, why they could have high pay if they absolutely not willing to take up any risk and responsiblity at their job??

Friday. Attended a seminar hold by General studies about Century End of 19th in France. I am a bit disappointed about the present by professor from BU since he didn't enlight me in this topic.

Saturday. Having a big big lunch in NOBU in Intercontinental Hotel....costed nearly seven hunrder for that meal. I must face a cool winter and Lunar New Year. After class, visited A&B, both little boys had already covered from chickespots, cute are they.

I did a few online surveys last week...great, got many bonus.






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