
Last month, I came across my friend Pun by chance. We had not contacted with each other for over six or seven years. Pun met me because I was late in attending the Basic Law Test and was the last one entering the exam hall. I was glad of meeting him again and surprised to come to know that he had visisted over 100 countries in the last few years. We then had a catch up on that day. Pun invited me to attend a seminar in the Travel Exhibition in Wan Chai as he would be the speaker of the event. He would share about his experience of joining an international short-term voluntary project,known as Workcamp. His short introduction on the project for Workcamp raised my interest as I am travel lover and I long for exploring something new.

I found the subject interesting after attending the seminar. In brief, Workcamp project originated from a short-term voluntary work between France and Germany after the First World War. A group of young people from France and Germany , which were enemies in the war, came together to rebuild the destroyed villages in both countries in order to promote peace by voluntary work. Such kind of voluntary projects started there and spread in other places in Eruope quickly. Now, the work of Workcamp ranges from construction work in early stage to disaster relief, from environmental work to social work and education project. Many Charity and non-profit organizations over 130 countries are the partners of Workcamp. Volunteers are invited to join different types of projects through workcamp with project lasting from 2 weeks to one or two years long.
Pun said he knew Workcamp through his colleagues when he was working in Europe a few years ago and it is quite a common movement in Europe and America. After joining the first workcamp project, he stayed in Workcamps as he gained a lot and met many friends from different projects. When he came back to Hong Kong early this year, he and a few Workcamp members, who are from Hong Kong, registered the non-profit organization, Voltra, in Hong Kong for promotiong voluntary work by travel.
It is a remarkable change in his life with the grace of God in him. Maybe, it is not that good if we only focus on money-making and it narrows our perspective of life. Honestly, I really appreciate my friend how is willing to contribute so much for the people who are in need.


As i grow up, i find that i spend less time on helping those in need. at least as a student, i could still serve in some voluntary services. now at work, don't know really if i am helping those i need. ha, ridiculous indeed.




"彭博,你Out 了"