black and white

Today was a white and black day. I forgot to bring my cell phone when I got on the bus from Diamond Hill to Science Park. It should be the first time I forgot to take the cellphone with me when I was out. It was the FIRST record since I have worked. In the past, even I forgot it, I could bring it back when I out of home after few minutes. Not bad for a day without cell phone.

Recently, I think I adrift in my living, don't know what have to do and why have to do and when would do and how to is difficult really@_@

Feeling upset after reading a message from friend. When a freind misunderstand a matter that should be good but turn it to negative. It was a diaster and make me sad ~.~

My boss and boss's conducted an performance review with me last Friday and gave back their comments to me today. Suprise! Thanks God that they gave good and postive comments at my job performance.

I played bedminton four times within five days! Historical Record since my pratice of basketball in my first year in the college. >.< >_<





"彭博,你Out 了"