Impression - Taipei

It has been five years since I last visted Taiwan. The last visit was in 2008/09 and at that time, I went with my sister and her two little children.

Two my my friends and I visited the capital of Taiwan - Taipei for a four-day short trip. Taipei is a very common and hot spot for many Hong Kong people. Not only do Taiwan and Hong Kong are share the common launguage, but also have simliar cultures. Somehow, going to Taipei is just like visiting a place nearby. So , we didn't plan our trip in detail or spend money on buying a guide book.

Like many Hong Kong people, I intend my trip as recreation , to chill our and relax. Since one of my freinds is working for a gouremet magazine introducing various restaurants, I left it to her to decide when it come to food meals. From breakfast, lunch to snackssuch a street food, ice-cream, we followed her recommendations. Wihtout disappointment, we tried a lot of delicious food on those days.

Besides the delicious food we tried, I had a very good impression for the services of all restaurants we visited. All the staff we met are served with heart. In compare to our city, shop owners are look for profit only.

One interesting thing I found which strengthened my good impression of Taiwan i that local take interest in Japaness culture very much. On our last day we visited a nice cafe claimed itself japan style- menu are printed in Chinese and Japnses; renovation of the cafe is in Japaness style, mouthwash travel packs are available in washroom, all these are common in Japan.

I made a joke to my friend that if there is a public poll one day in Taiwan about whether it is to reunit with China or to be part of Japan union, the latter is more likely Japan used to have ruled this Island around 50 years, but in compare with the ruleof China which last over a few hundred years, the Japanese influence is more significant than that of China. It is an interesting phenomeon. The same goes with Hong Kong, which is a colonical ruled by Great Britian for almost a hundre years before it became an international city. But for the colonier rule, Hong Kong might be a harbour for finsihg only.





"彭博,你Out 了"