
目前顯示的是 6月, 2009的文章


Last month, I came across my friend Pun by chance. We had not contacted with each other for over six or seven years. Pun met me because I was late in attending the Basic Law Test and was the last one entering the exam hall. I was glad of meeting him again and surprised to come to know that he had visisted over 100 countries in the last few years. We then had a catch up on that day. Pun invited me to attend a seminar in the Travel Exhibition in Wan Chai as he would be the speaker of the event. He would share about his experience of joining an international short-term voluntary project,known as Workcamp. His short introduction on the project for Workcamp raised my interest as I am travel lover and I long for exploring something new. I found the subject interesting after attending the seminar. In brief, Workcamp project originated from a short-term voluntary work between France and Germany after the First World War. A group of young people from France and Germany , which were enemies in t...


我 讀書的時候,或者更準確的說,還未工作的時候,很小想到因循這回事. 直至工作了一定年月,特別是這幾年進入年半官方機構,我才忽然想到自己不時經歷工作裏所見所聞所行是如斯的因循,也深明為什麼從官方機構以至半官方的所謂公營機構常被外間批評得厲害的原因,我想用因循來形容是暫時最貼切的詞語. 因循換來的是穩定,對於在這裏工作的人來說是一個好得無比的job,因為只要你恪守因循和不用帶腦上班, 無論你過去十年裏工作的表現和能力有沒有進步也不要緊,因為"因循"使你沒有犯錯,已是"get the job done",可以學當奴曾一權選特首了. 加上人工和福利其實不錯--大部份這類機構發生"鄧X邦事件"是平常不過的, 所以,當果說那些很smart的人想入投資銀行(過去式了),一些non-smart的人想入這類機構也是無可厚非的. 問題只是,如果我們的稅--公共資源的一部份--花在這些生產力是 10+1 = 1+0 的機構裏,從長遠和宏觀的社會角度看,肯定是納稅人的"孽". 並且,當這些什麼數碼,科學,中藥,文化港等等等形式的機構的成立是為了使小城提昇競爭力,而又發覺其實這些機構最終是退休和半退休官員的俱樂部;並且財政與決策大權最終殊途同歸地出自"官"那裏的話, 那麼, 裡頭工作和辨事裏充斥的因循文化也是不足為怪的.