
目前顯示的是 4月, 2008的文章


星期三中午上公司的普通話,學了兩個內地人用的terms: 海聊..........聊, 當然指聊天是也,而海...無邊無際之意,形容跟人海聊, 指跟對方或朋友漫無目的,不著邊際的傾談,又長又遠又闊的 "吹水" @-@ i like it ^^ 比英文的 chew the fat更勁 !! 二百五.....數目字,是數目字,一個二加一個五= 傻瓜 老師說她都不知道出處,指人家是二百五,好得意.


這個星期知道兩件事不免有點沉重.... 四月初部門同事的太太生了一個baby,同事門都替他高興,還夾了一份coupons聊表心意.誰知個多星期後,見這位同事好像沒有弄璋之喜反倒心事重重,原來這陣子他太太在生了bb以後持續發熱,後來知道胸口有一個腫瘤,雖算不上是cancer,卻因為面積算大,不能做切割手術,只可以化療,而且由於bb在養和出生,也在那裏檢查,幾天的住院費而九萬多元 >_ 同事M早前告訴我下班後要往將軍澳探望一位前度男同事, 因為這位男同事在上年,也就是我的同事M上年五月離開後幾個星期,證實患上肝癌.一年間沒有消息,大家以為沒事.原來是經個幾次化療後己藥石無效,這幾個星期開始停止一切治療,並且開始致電各方好友見面, because his days is numbered. 這位先生不過是三十來歲,結了婚,也有一對年幼兒女,這樣一個遭遇,不免想到生命無常,此時此刻,想到活著原來不易,更遑論活得精采...@_@

black and white

Today was a white and black day. I forgot to bring my cell phone when I got on the bus from Diamond Hill to Science Park. It should be the first time I forgot to take the cellphone with me when I was out. It was the FIRST record since I have worked. In the past, even I forgot it, I could bring it back when I out of home after few minutes. Not bad for a day without cell phone. Recently, I think I adrift in my living, don't know what have to do and why have to do and when would do and how to do.....life is difficult really@_@ Feeling upset after reading a message from friend. When a freind misunderstand a matter that should be good but turn it to negative. It was a diaster and make me sad ~.~ My boss and boss's conducted an performance review with me last Friday and gave back their comments to me today. Suprise! Thanks God that they gave good and postive comments at my job performance. I played bedminton four times within five days! Historical Record since my pratice of basketbal...


上星期四約了鐵達尼同事在大學站的美心快餐晚膳,她之後上普通話,我要往圖書館,惟有約在那間迷你的大學站快餐店來一個quick dinner,且要"搭檯". 我注意到,坐在我對面的同學(九成是中大學生),拿著一本很紅的書,書名叫"活著". 我聽過這本書,也知道是暢銷書,但一直沒有衝動借來看. 直到看到那位學生手上這本封面設計很突出,又想到和鐵達尼同事傾到工作的各樣問題, 我都不禁想到活著....很嚴肅,卻又很實在,很想看這本書. 禮拜日下午,一頭栽進這本書裏,由於我借這本書只能借一個星期,心理上知道不能"磨"這本書太久,所以一口氣用了三四個小時把二百四十多頁的書讀畢,以為看了可以活得更好....有一小段插曲很深刻,有一個人物叫春生,打仗的時候和主角福貴一樣,怎麼打也死不了,後來還做了縣長,可到了文革,卻鬥不過那班紅衛兵,自殺死了--儘管主角福貴苦勸他要捱過去,好好活著, 然後我記得一句說話很真實--一個人不管命怎麼大,只要想死的念頭在, 就不能改. 福貴的經歷算是坎坷和傳奇,作者卻以極平淡的手法寫下,平淡到了一個地步,讓我想起昆德拉那本"The unbearable lightless of being", 心有點寒.


自從同事鐵達尼走了以後,我的office生活更顯風燭殘年,人去草在的凋零感實在難以言諭.無它,每早上習慣了開msn和她say morning--因為她的位置實在跟我相距五十米之遠,透過科技,我們可以跟未relocated之前一樣近,況且在office,大家都是small potato,年紀相約,際遇一同坎坷,同是天涯淪落人,難免話題趣味相近,現在走了,還把那棵草交給我,算是"托孤",我也有幸幫它修飾一點,放在我的卓面,跟近旁相中我家的草相依為命,算是精神上同在^^

電影節Part II

吻下來,豁出去I love this film as I love French's style-Crazy but truely that it could be happend...maybe, such crazy style is what I like. Well, the laughing from the other two ladies proof of the crazy of french. No wonder, full house that night.@_@ " I have got hurt from you and it's a wound. But I would not blame you as wound is there and blame would not heal the wound quickly. I still have to wait for wound be healed slowly." This is a quote from the film when the acter wanna to seperate with her current girlfriend and being with his true love. 待應回憶錄 Good! What a good and speical film and a touching film I had seen this year! It was about a story of a ordinary Czech man, his story happened in the years of world war II . It took place in the country i visited last year-Czech Republic. Oh...the Prague Palace recalling my memory of Czech. 電光滾石 MTV rather than a film

Work is difficult @.@

工作的機構有很多浪費的地方,包括人力和物力,最嚴重的是人力的浪費,比方說,好高級的"植物",勞力腦力皆不用. 勞力不用還可以接受,但腦力也不用,每個月卻穩袋高薪和優厚福利,這樣的工,如果在私人公司還可以接受,但遺憾的是,在政府和公營機構卻養了最多這樣的人. 在這裏工作後,完全覺得身為一個納稅人,真的有必要好好supervise 我們的HKSAR政府和屬下的公營機構@_@...九月,我要投票. 話說回來,作為small potato的我,工作上不單止經常忍受不用腦而且直線思維的'植物'指示我做一些很用腦用勞的工作, 連non-official assigments都不能say no--在又一次群眾的壓力下,繼早前的歌唱比賽,今天--羽毛球比賽,我再一次on the list. 我感到人生充滿無奈@_@ 我不太喜歡打羽毛球,可能因為我認識打羽毛球的人都是一棵樹,而且是千年古樹,不動也不死--討厭--和這類人打球不單止一點energetic也沒有,而且毫無消脂效果...不過,正因為small potato是充滿無奈的,所以,我要打羽毛球@.@. Life is difficult and work is much more difficult.