
目前顯示的是 6月, 2007的文章


昨晚和家人在看有線的國家地理頻道,看很醜陋的動物,是昆蟲一類,我對這些節目,尤其是昆蟲和不知名的動物片興趣近乎零與一之間,有線對我而言等同新聞;但做護士的妹妹卻很喜歡看,所以我沒有選擇,一邊吃西瓜,一邊看,其間數次要求轉換頻道,因為實在影響吃西瓜的意欲,但爭取不果. 到我家姐回來,一齊看那些很醜陋的動物片時,忽發其想,她說我們家要養一些寵物類的東西,for example,養一條金魚.....這個動議很快被我們駁回,因為查考3021的歷史,已死了好些物種,屍橫片野,死狀一般可怕,有夾死的,有餓死的,有集體中毒而死,有孤獨而死,所以我們的結論是在3021室不宜養寵物,不然,恐怕連烏龜也拆壽五十至百年不等. 我家最後一隻生存的寵物是金毛鼠,是護士妹妹在未經動議下買的.母親離世後,她照料的一群剛出生的金毛鼠,不到幾星期也隨主人而去,並且是在一場diaster災難中發生的,集體中毒,一隻一隻可怕地死去,想起來也有點毛骨悚然.過不久,妹妹買了一隻回來,我想是一種心理補償,所以沒有異議,但己聲明不會照顧的,因為實在沒有這種閒情. 事實上,那時她己開始當護士實習,工作時間很不穩定,也要不時在護士宿舍住幾晚才回家,太多記錄是,當她實習不在家的幾天,我們沒有人記得起要餵飼那小倉鼠,可幸每次及時發現才幸免於死, 我沒有記錯,小倉鼠在我家奇蹟地生存了兩到三個年頭,最後,我很相信,是孤獨而死. 孤獨沒有徵狀,但卻往往表現在沉默與靜止上. 成長的歲月裏,我家其實飼養過很多金毛鼠,有很多樂趣,而最大的感覺是,其實動物和人一樣,感受到愛與被愛的.有一兩隻倉鼠被我們一家人寵,不但表現於牠們的心廣體胖上,而且很活躍和長壽,相反,陳家最後一隻倉鼠,大部份時間都被遺忘,所以我相信,牠是孤獨而死.




"然 而 我 告 訴 你 們 、 就 是 所 羅 門 極 榮 華 的 時 候 、 他 所 穿 戴 的 、 還 不 如 這 花 一 朵 呢 。" 太 6:29 6月19日,一行十四人到東龍島行山,天氣酷熱,但感覺不錯.途中是有點意外,但仍感恩十四人去十四人走,感謝上帝.這是我第一次行東龍島,已有一段很久的時間沒有在三十三度高温行山,和朋友行山的季節多是十月十一月,秋高氣爽之際. 對上一次在高危月份行山,是七年前在北京交流的時候,四十度高温行香山,因為想省點乘覽車的錢,但幾乎客死異鄉. 所以,選六月行山是有一定的危險,一是天氣太熱很易中暑,二來十四人當中只有兩個受過行山訓練,其餘都是業餘都不如的遊人,特別是包括我自己在內也都少行山,所以想起來一行安然無恙算是感恩了.


Before I was invited to be a helper of a function which took place in a hotel yesterday, I never knew the meaning of "Starting". The function was a whole day event hold by a French corporate bank named "Societe General". I have heard of this bank before since it is one of the biggest banks in Europe. At first, I thought such a big function should be related to business and they would invite clients to join the promotion program in order to sell their newest product because the cost of holding such a whole day function in a four star hotel with lunch, cocktail reception, dinner and a group of helpers, the expenses would be huge. In reality, the bank invited more than 100 new joiners of their bank from around 10 countries/cities in Asia Pacific to join the function in Hong Kong yesterday. It was not for business and not for promotion but for the benefit of their employees. The "Starting" is for the induction of the new employees of the bank and it was the fi...

4th June

惟願公平如大水滾滾, 使公義如河滔滔 阿摩司書8:11

Stealth in Prague

There was one unfortunate incident in our 18-day trip to Eastern Europe and it happened in the very last few hours of our last night in Prague. After our shopping around Charles Bridge, the famous tourist spot in Prague, in the evening on 3 April, we wanted to go to the Central Station to collect our luggage and then to take the train from Prague to Budapest at 11pm. The six of us waited in the subway platform for the train to Central Station. It was rush hour and very crowded in the platform. When we got on the car, the last one of our friends who boarded lastly shouted suddenly. (I better not disclosed his name for some privacy reasons) and it caught our attention. But then the train door had already closed and the train started head toward the next station. My friend was robbed of his wallet by four men. They took his wallet while he was getting on the train. When the door was closing, they ran away quickly. While four of us went to the police station to report this. I and another ...